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After over 10 years using Python as main my programming language, I have moved on to JavaScript (the ES8 specification). Python still remains my second main language, as I'm actively involved in a Django-powered project, still maintain xmlwitch and use tons of private scripts written in Python every day. But it's true, I can now say I really prefer JavaScript over Python. And it's not just me — everyone seems to be following suit.

Not only as a tool that helps me deliver working products, but also as a language, for the sheer satisfaction I have working with it. The thought might be heretic to some good Pythonistas I know — I was shocked myself when I read about Ian Bicking moving on too — but it doesn't take much to explain it.

While indentation-based scoping has always been a huge plus for me in Python, class definition boilerplate is still hard to look at. List comprehensions and generator expressions go a long a way, but unable to beat the expressiveness of JavaScript for me.

Also, there's no acceptable way to pass a function body to another in Python. My code usually revolves around higher order functions, reduce(), map(), forEach() etc. I can't remember the last time I wrote a regular for loop.

So with JavaScript you've got arrow functions, the method shorthand definition syntax, the spread operator, destructuring assignments, all functional Array methods and async functions. Combined with Vue's minimal patterns and Nuxt's conventions, I can't think of a better language to write web applications with.


The last project I started using a Flask backend was a little over three months ago. Since then, I worked on so many client-side and server-side rendered JavaScript applications that I've grown completely accostumed to the ways of Koa and async/await.

Nuxt is very opinionated but has very hackable internals. I would describe Koa as meticulously minimalist and precise, it's definitely very pleasant to work with and has proven to be production-ready on a number of projects.

When working with Nuxt, I usually place server-side only (non-Nuxt) pieces under /api (with koa-router) and then prevent nuxt.render() from running under that route.

app.use((ctx) => {
  if (!ctx.request.path.startsWith('/api')) {
    ctx.status = 200
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      ctx.res.on('close', resolve)
      ctx.res.on('finish', resolve)
      nuxt.render(ctx.req, ctx.res, (promise) => {

My package.json basic dependencies are: dotenv (lets you load the environment from an .env file), axios (HTTP client library), cheerio (HTML parsing library), bcrypt (password hashing), co-body (HTTP body parser), co-busboy (HTTP multipart parser), jsonwebtoken (JWT generator), koa-jwt (JWT middleware), koa-router, koa-sslify, vue-no-ssr and source-map.

I follow the Twelve-Factor App methodology in architecting applications and recommend Google Cloud Platform and Kubernetes in all my projects, but have seen successful container deployments with AWS. I still need to explore HTTP/2, especially now it has made into Node's core.

If I ever need better performance on the backend, I'm more inclined to look at Go (which I've used in the past and like very much) and Otto (or Goby) than Python again. Goby are Otto are incredible ideas — having a Go-powered Nuxt application would cover a much wider range of applications.


In addition to Nuxt and Vue, iView and Sass power most of my frontend code. iView is comparable to ElementUI, but has worked better for my projects so far (despite my initial excitement with ElementUI). Nuxt routes are automatically built from the file system for convenience, but can be easily extended.

You'll want to keep vue-no-ssr around for dealing with non-SSR friendly Vue dependencies.

I have always avoided CSS transpilers, and while I enjoy curly braces in JavaScript (it's hard to imagine indentation-scoped JavaScript), I find them unnecessary in CSS. Eliminating the need for curly braces (and semicolons) in CSS makes the code easier to read and scroll through, especially when using single file components as a development convention.


Nuxt's build tools have been sufficient for my projects so far.

I'm keeping an eye on Brunch though. I used Brunch recently and while I was presented with some of its shortcomings, I was also impressed with its speed and simplicity. Once it gets a little closer to Webpack's feature set, I wouldn't be surprised if the Nuxt team decided to migrate to it.

I mainly use Sublime Text, ack and integrated eslint (configured to use StandardJS) for my programming, and ColorSnapper 2, Sketch and Photoshop for my UI/UX design needs.

Article cover adapted from photo by Frank McKenna on Unsplash.

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