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In the past five years or so, while the web development world was going mad with the JavaScript revolution – I stayed mostly indifferent, occupying myself with backend work and distracting myself with things like Kubernetes.

In the rare occasions I needed to write JavaScript, I'd still just use jQuery or its lightweight counterpart, Zepto.js, and ended up crafting a tiny custom framework for every project.

Ember and CoffeeScript were easy to ignore, as they were mostly contained within the Ruby community. But then came Angular, React, Babel and recently Webpack – and substantial paid work. Turns out CoffeeScript would indeed not last, but the community adherence to Babel (and ES6+) has been overwhelming.

My involvement with frontend work started peaking again a couple years ago, just when Webpack-based builds were becoming the norm. Working as a consultant on many different projects with different tools has given me a solid perspective on each framework. Above all, it has given me the instinct to avoid complexity whenever possible. Nowadays, I follow a simple rule when adding dependencies: if the main application code is under 1000 lines, keep it in a single file. Or even a separate file for HTML, CSS and JavaScript, but still, no further abstractions. Most of the time, having fewer tabs to iterate over in my code editor makes me more productive. Having a lot of different files that add up to a small piece actually hurts productivity.

I have fully incorporated ES6 features that are natively supported by Chrome and Firefox (such as Array functional methods and arrow functions) in my programming style, but will defer adding Webpack to a project (that can make full use of ES2017+) by the same rule.

Before I had the chance to try anything real with Polymer, I was amazed by Vue at its very first release.

The thing about Vue is that its minimalism makes the API feel like a natural extension to HTML, much like a web standard. While there's a dozen articles comparing Vue to other frameworks, here I present the main characteristics that make me choose Vue over React.

No need to explictly bind methods

In React, you must explictly bind methods to this in the constructor or in event handler assignments.

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor (props) {
    this.myMethod = this.myMethod.bind(this)
  myMethod () {

You also need that super(props) if overriding constructor. Vue simplifies this by not using inheritance when defining components. Even when using fancy single file components, all you need to do is return an object with a methods dictionary:

export default {
  methods: {
    myMethod () {

The irony is that there's a whole segment in React's documentation on why composition is better than inheritance.

Easier state management and Vuex

In React, you need to use the setState() to trigger rendering updates as you modify the state. In Vue, you simply assign things to this and, if necessary, the component's automatically rerendered. You do need to provide an initial state (data) for safety (and it will complain if you use undeclared properties).

  <p>{​{ message }}</p>

  export default {
    data: {
      message: null
    mounted () {
      this.message = 'Something'

If state management needs evolve, Vuex provides a clean implementation of the same pattern seen in Flux and Redux. Instead of relying on multiple files like Redux, Vuex introduces store modules, that can divide handling of different keys under the same unified state. The store module API lets you specify state, mutations, actions and getters in a single object:

const state = {
  currentModal: null

const getters = {
  currentModal: (state) => state.currentModal

const actions = {
  [action.OPEN_MODAL] ({commit}, modal) {
    commit(mutation.MODAL_OPENED, modal)

const mutations = {
  [mutation.MODAL_OPENED] (state, modal) {
    state.currentModal = modal

export default {

Mixins, watchers and computed properties

Vue is similar to React in the sense it uses the props-down, events-up model. You can define props and data (state) in a Vue component. But you can also very easily watch for changes in the state and preload components with properties from a mixin. So, following the earlier Vuex example for opening modals, we could have a ui mixin that listens to currentModal:

const ui = {
  computed: {
    ...<a href="https://vuex.vuejs.org/en/state.html">mapState</a>({
      currentModal: (state) => state.ui.currentModal
  watch: {
    currentModal (modal) {
      // code to open a modal

export default {
  mixins: [ui]

Extremely flexible templating with no JSX

Despite the immense popularity of JSX, I find Vue's markup-based logic control to be simpler and easier to extend. Below is an example straight from React's documentation:

function Item (props) {
  return <li>{props.message}</li>;

function TodoList () {
  const todos = ['finish doc', 'submit pr', 'nag dan to review']
  return (
      {todos.map((message) => <Item key={message} message={message} />)}

JSX requires you to return and compose complete elements, and will force you to use inline JavaScript to render collections (or an inline call to a function that returns JSX). In Vue, you get declarative conditional rendering as a natural extension of the markup (like Angular, without the boilerplate hell).

  const Item = Vue.component('Item', {
    props: ['message'],
    template: '<li>{​{message}}</li>'
  export default {
    data: {todos: ['one', 'two', 'three']},
    components: {Item}

    <Item v-for="todo in todos" :message="todo" />

Vue.js and Web Components

Joe Gregorio's memorable No more JS frameworks prompted me to keep an eye on the development of Web Components.

When I looked at Polymer it felt uncomfortably more verbose than React so I stuck with Vue.

Nowdays however web components are natively supported by most browsers and you can use Vue to build them. But perhaps an even bigger point to be made is that it's important to abstract away from frameworks and simply adhere to component-driven design. Just architect your application as a series of reusable components and any half-decent framework will help you put it all together.

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